Friday 7 January 2022

Summer Learning Journey ~ My Summer Collage

Today I have done another activity called my summer collage. In this activity I needed to learn how to make a collage using the images fro Google Drawing, and see an example of one of the summer collages. Then I made a copy of the drawing the template and created my own one. In the drawing I put ice cream, beach, watermelon, ice water, sunglass, air conditioner, hat, ganddles, sun screen, and tennis. To create your own summer collage you can put any images like food, things that you like to do and other things that relate to summer. 

I found this activity fun because when I created my summer collage it allowed me to share my what I like to eat, what sports I play, and other summer things. 

1 comment:

  1. Kia Ora


    It is me Quein again a blog commenter for the Manaiakalani Summer Learning Journey. I really enjoyed your summertime collage and it was GREAT!!! To see that you had included an explanation of the activity in your blog post. Well done on completing such an awesome collage it looks amazing. You have chosen some very symbolic and meaningful images to represent the summer time. Moreover I am impressed that you included sunscreen which is really important. Thus, it was really good to see that your theme was a summer smart focused collage.

    I enjoyed seeing that you included the jandals, I used to call them sandals then when we moved to New Zealand everyone called them jandals, although in America they call them flip flops. I always find it very interesting when there are so many names for one item it shows how awesome and diverse the world is.

    What is your favorite thing about the summertime?

    Keep up the Super work we look forward to your next blog post!!!

    Have a Super Summer!!!

    Ngā mihi,


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