Saturday 8 January 2022

Summer Learning Journey ~ He Hokonga - Ngā Ōrau (Sales - Percentages)

Today I have done another activity called sales and percentages. In this activity I have created an advertisement on an item that I liked and put the lip sets on sale. Then I calculated how much the set would be when it was 30% from the original slide, and got the answer of 18. The way I got 18 was dividing 60 by 10 which was 6, then multiplying that by 3 since I needed to find out how much 30% was. 

I enjoyed doing this activity because I really like making advertisements since I can be creative and do whatever I want.

1 comment:

  1. Kia Ora


    It is me Quein again a blog commenter for the Manaiakalani Summer Learning Journey. It was great to see that you included the calculation in your blog post. It is awesome to see that you have put a lot of effort and time into the activity- Ka Pai!!! That is really a good price because the products are only $18. It was interesting that you are selling the product at 30 percent of the original price. Usually when shops advertise sales they say 40 percent off which would 40 percent off the original price. For example 40 percent off 10 dollars is 4 dollars so 4-10= 6 dollars so the product would be 6 dollars. Regardless it is awesome to see that you enjoyed the activity and enjoyed calculating the percentages.

    When you go with your family to do the shopping do you look at the prices and the sales that are there?

    Keep up the Super work we look forward to your next blog post!!!

    Have a Super Summer!!!

    Ngā mihi,


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