Friday 21 December 2018

My beast

Activity 1
Day 3

My very own beast.

I have a beast it looks like this.It has 2 long ears,2 blue eyes,a
sharp teeth a big head and a very sharp claws.My beast smells
like strawberry pie,sometimes my beast smells horrible.The
beast I have feels so fluffy that I also sleep with it.Also my
beast gets crazy when I give him sweets because of the sugar.


  1. Greetings Chisa,

    What another amazing blog post seen from you again. The posts that I've seen lately is amazing. Your beast sure sounds great. I'd like to visit your beast some time. The description about it is nice.


  2. Good afternoon Chisa,

    Wow your beast is incredible! There's a big swing between strawberry pie and horrible, I know which smell I'd like! And sleeping with a fluffy beast - nice! I'm guessing you wouldn't want to give him too much sugar.

    Do you have a favourite animal that reminds you of your beast?

    Talk to you soon!

  3. Hi Chisa!
    I like your blog post about the description of your beast. Do you think you could have drawn your beast? I can imagine your beast because you described it so well. I think you should work on putting in what you had to do for the activity.
    Blog you later!


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