Tuesday 18 December 2018

Auckland city

Activity 2
Why do I love my city Auckland?
  1. I live in Auckland with my family. We have lived here for 2 years.
  2. I love going to the Auckland zoo.There's lots of animals there.
  3. My favourite part of Auckland is the museum.It has lots of old things that happened 100 years ago. Looking at dinosaur bones is fun.


  1. Kia ora Chisa,

    I have enjoyed reading this blog post from you. I like how you really appreciate how awesome Auckland is. I love living here because there are really nice beaches. Have you been going to the beach this summer?

    Keep up the great blogging!

    Talk soon,

    Sophie :)

  2. Hi Chisa,

    It's Mele again. It's good too see yo getting out there and being active during the summer holidays. Congratulations for completing another task. I did this task too and it was interesting, because we got to talk about our hometown. Your description about your hometown is great.


  3. Hey Chisa!
    Your blogpost about your hometown is amazing. You have done an amazing job at describing your hometown. I like how you added what your favourite thing about your hometown was. Well done on completing this activity.
    Blog you later!


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