Sunday 23 December 2018

Digital footprints

Activity 3


  1. Hey there Chisa, it's Billy here again from the Summer Learning Journey.

    Well done on completing some of the activities this summer. I hope you keep it up throughout January.

    Thank you for sharing some tips for staying safe online. You're exactly right, it's very important you don't share your name, address, phone number or even your school's name. I also like to change my passwords often and use a different combination of numbers, letters, capitals and special characters.

    Thanks again, and I hope you continue to blog safely.


  2. Kia Ora Chisa,

    What an amazing blog post seen from you again. The footprint sure looks great. The tips are also great ones. I am sure that everyone who visits this post would get lots from this footprint. I liked it how you said not sharing your address, because that's a huge one.


  3. Hi Chisa!
    Its me again, You have done an amazing job on your digital footprint. You obviously know how to stay safe online. I think you should work on saying more specific and safer things like "Don't share your personal information with anyone that you don't know" Well done for completing this activity.
    Blog you later!


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