Thursday 24 February 2022

I am still blogging …

I am still blogging … 

but I’ve moved.

Click here

to visit my new blog

and see the next stage of my learning journey.

Comments are closed here. Please comment on my new blog.

Tuesday 25 January 2022

Summer Learning Journey | Reflection

Today I have done another activity which is a reflection of the Summer Learning Journey, and I have created a slide to show my answers to the questions about the SLJ activities. 

To all the commenters, and the people who made the activities, thank you for taking your time off summer with your whanau and friends to comment to peoples blogs who participated and also creating great activities for all of us to enjoy doing during the summer break, and I truly enjoyed doing the activities that I have done. 

Hope everyone enjoys their summer holiday before school starts and other things! 

Friday 21 January 2022

Summer Learning Journey | Snowball Poem

Today I have done another activity called snowball poem. A snowball poem is a poem where each line is one word longer than the previous one, or another type of snowball poem,  where each line is one letter longer than the previous one. In this activity I needed to write a snowball poem about summer, and I wrote about the beach during the summer season. After that I recorded myself saying my own snowball poem using screencastify, and blogged it. Would you try writing a snowball poem about summer?

I enjoyed doing this activity because I have learnt how to write one and the process of how to do it. 

Thursday 20 January 2022

Summer Learning Journey | Make Your Own Game

Today I have done another activity called make your own game. In this activity I made my own animal puzzle, which is a game where you need to put the popsicle sticks together to form the particular image created, and the game was based on an animal. While doing this activity I needed to use popsicle sticks but instead I used a cupboard since I didn't have any to use, which you can also use if you don't have enough, too.

- To make your own animal puzzle, you can use cupboard, or popsicle sticks. If you are using a cupboard , draw an animal that you want to draw, and colour it in after you finish your drawing, as well as adding some background images to fill up the blanks. Lastly, cut up the cupboard and into rectangles and challenge your friends and family to solve the puzzle by timing them using mobile phones or stopwatch.

- If you are using popsicle sticks you can tape the back of it, to hold it in place. Then draw your animal and other images if you want, then take the tape out, and lastly test your friends and family out.

After I created this I timed myself, and it took me 12 seconds to finish my puzzle, and I also tested on my mum which took her 34 seconds. I really enjoyed doing activities because it was always my favourite thing when I was younger to make puzzles, and I still liked making my own puzzles.

Wednesday 19 January 2022

Summer Learning Journey | Hidden Colours in Ink

Today I have done another activity called hidden colours in ink. In this activity I needed to find which colours appeared on the ink on the paper towel was dipped into salt water. When I looked at the result on the paper towel it was really cool since I never really thought about what colours might appear when you dip it into a salt water, and the results also looked very cool. 

I have also created a slide showing the steps on how to find hidden colours in the ink since this activity was really fun to do. I really enjoyed doing this activity because it was really entertaining seeing the colours change as the paper towel soaks up the water. 

Tuesday 18 January 2022

Summer Learning Journey | My Town

Today I have done another activity called my town, and in this activity I watched a video about the different types of lines, then looked at a diagram, to help me find the different types of lines around my house which were parallel lines, perpendicular lines, intersecting lines, segment lines, a line, and ray lines. Then using the diagram I looked around my home to find the items that had the same lines from the diagram. After spotting them I made a new google drawing and added pictures and drew the things and also added names for each item. I enjoyed doing this activity because I was able to recall the different lines and find the items that had the lines.  

Monday 17 January 2022

Summer Learning Journey ~ Kowhaiwhai

Today I have done another activity called kowhaiwhai. In this activity I made my koru design by using the curve tool in google drawing, and I drew koru hearts because the design is one of my favourite drawing. After drawing I coloured half of the koru's red, orange, and yellow, the reason why I chose these colours was because its the colours of summer. When I drew the hearts I changed the set up of the design so that it looked like a kowhaiwhai.

I really enjoyed doing this activity because I was able to make my own design, and it was really fun learning how to make one.