I am a Year 7 student at Panmure Bridge School in Auckland, NZ. I am in Learning Space 2 and my teachers are Mrs Anderson and Mrs Fisi'iahi.
Thursday, 15 April 2021
Duffy Role
Created with my teacher task | Care Awards
Teach a small group of juniors to play a simple game | Care Awards
LI.to teach a small group of juniors to play a simple game
Today I tought some of the juniors to play cops and robbers. Cops and robbers is like tag, but the difference is that if the cops tag the robbers they have to sit down in a current place. For the robbers to escape the robbers need to count to 20 seconds so that the juniors can be involved in the game. First I needed to find juniors that wanted to play this game. Next I told them the instuctions so they know how to play this game. Then we played the game. Lastly we played rock paper siccors shoot snake addition.
Enter a competition | Care Awards
LI.to enter a competition.
Wednesday, 14 April 2021
How to stand up to bullies | Care Awards
LI.to create a DLO about how to stand up to bullies.
This was my third task of the silver confidence care award. The activity was to show different ways of standing up to bullies. First I wrote the things that I know then researched other ways. Next I wrote a word called WITS stands for walk away, ignre, tell an adult, and seek for help. This can help during bullying. I enjoyed doing this activity because I can teach people if they are bullied doing these things can help them.
Monday, 12 April 2021
Duffy Role Model Assembly | Marc
Key Competencies
LI: To compare the Key Competencies we think we will use on camp and the Key Competencies we actually used.
Before we went to camp our challenge was to think about when we might use the Key Competencies as we faced the challenges. When we came back from camp we looked at this and compared how we thought we would use the Key Competencies and how we actually used them.
I enjoyed this activity because I was able to see how much I used the key competencies during camp.
Friday, 9 April 2021
Tech Reflection | Creating Pizza
LI.to create pizza.
Today the Year 7's went to the Tamaki College for our food tech. This was our fourth session with Mrs Heka, and we were creating pizza. We listened to Mrs Hekas instructions to get all the ingredients, and the steps of making it. After it was created we were able to taste what we have made. I found this activity fun because I was able to eat what I had made with my partner.
Thursday, 8 April 2021
LI: To a collaborative brochure that tells others why Kokako Lodge is a great place to go on camp.
Camp Collage
Kokako Infographic
LI: To create an infographic using google draw that tells your audience facts about the kokako.
This week, everyone in LS2 has been given a set of different challenges based on our camp. For this activity we used our smart searching skills to find information about the North Island Kokako bird. I found this activity intresting because I found out that there is a south island bird that has orange flaps instead of having blue ones.